Monday, June 29, 2009

Dancing Queen

I really have no idea where she picked up some of these moves... especially the one right around 30 seconds into the video!


Anonymous said...

oh my, so so cute! Guess she's watching you when you don't realize it ;)

luke and wyatt's mom said...

Surely she's picked up those moves from Jared :)
Or maybe she's perfecting her moon walk in honor of MJ :)

Florida Girl said...

I was just thinking the same thing that Stephanie said--she is doing the moonwalk in one part. I love all of her moves and I just cannot believe that she is getting so big.

Unknown said...

I can't imagine a Rollins man dancing. I am still working on Tim. But what really cracks me up on this video is the way Charlotte perks up when the crowd starts cheering.

Anna said...

Too funny! I loved watching this! She is such a cutie!!