The past two weeks have been rough, to say the least. What started as just being tired has turned into nausea that just doesn't seem to go away. But I have heard "the sicker, the better" as a sign for a healthy baby, so that at least is comforting. But I am sooo looking forward to the second trimester when this nausea will (hopefully) be gone.
I really have not done much of anything the past week. I am so grateful for Jared because he has been wonderful in taking good care of me and putting up with an untidy home. And I can't remember the last time I actually cooked for him, yet he doesn't complain. I have a winner of a husband!
A few of the happenings over the last few days...
Last Saturday our church had a picnic, including a chili cook-off. I made a pot of bbq pork chili, which I love, not only because it is delicious, but also because it only takes about 10 minutes to throw together. And now when I serve it, I can tell people that it is my prize-winning recipe because it won first place! Whooty Hoo!
On Saturday morning while I was getting the chili ready, Charlotte came into the kitchen looking like this...
She found my bathing suit on the floor in the closet and took it into Jared asking for his help to put it on. She is hysterical!
Saturday evening, while Jared and I went to my cousin, Mandy's, surprise party at Dave & Buster's, Jared's Mom and her friend Mel stayed home with Charlotte. They said she had a few tears right after we left, but played and giggled the rest of the night. Mom said that Charlotte was playing with a blood pressure cuff that goes in a little doctor's kit she has, then paused for a minute and looked like she was thinking really hard. Then she ran over to the sliding glass door and started pointing outside on the porch. Mom went over to see what she was so excited about and saw that Charlotte was pointing to her stethoscope that goes in the kit that was outside. It was amazing to us that she recognized the two objects as going together and that she remembered where it was. I'm sure we're the only parents who have ever thought that our daughter is a genius :) Mandy's an old geezer now :) (She's 6 months older than me)
On Monday night, I was planning to go to Keystone to see Gavin sworn in as City Councilman, but at the last minute had to decide to stay home because I was feeling quite rough. Jared took Charlotte and they were able to stand beside Gavin as he took his oath. We know Gavin wasn't the favorite candidate of the mayor, but we're very excited he won the election (by three votes!) and know he will be a breath of fresh air on the council.
This afternoon we took a quick trip over to Keystone to celebrate James's first birthday! We had a great time seeing everyone over that way, and especially enjoyed watching the excitement James had at all of the celebration. He was especially excited over the cake he had all to himself! Such a sweet boy!
A few days ago we bought Charlotte a little potty seat that fits over the toilet to try out. She was not a fan of it at first, but after we let her sit on it on the floor and see that it wasn't going to hurt her, she started to enjoy sitting on it. At first we thought it was just lucky timing that she happened to pee while she was sitting on it, but she has done it several times over the past few days. This morning she even got my attention and started walking towards and pointing at the bathroom. I put her on the potty and sure enough, she went! Then this evening Jared noticed she was getting her "grunt face" on, so he took her in the bathroom real quickly and she pooped! On the potty! She's such a big girl!
(Random blog question: Does anyone know how to change the date of a post? If you start a post and save it, then come back a few days later because you've forgotten about it... not that I've done that or anything... but hypothetically, how would one go about getting the date to represent the day on which the blog was actually posted?)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 6:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Pregnancy and Motherhood
Something I discovered during my pregnancy with Charlotte and am having confirmed now is that "morning sickness" can more aptly be described as "feel like crap all day sickness". And to ensure that women will be willing to have more than one child, I believe God grants us the ability to forget about the sickness and discomforts of pregnancy and the pain of childbirth. I'm thinking of Grandma, my Dad's mom, and Aunt Cindy, Jared's aunt, who had 11 and 9 children, respectively. They must have been quite forgetful during their childbearing years :)
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 2:20 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tagged Again
I was tagged by my friend, Whitney, to list seven things that I love. And I'm supposed to tag seven other people, but I'm lazy. So if you're reading this, Tag! You're it!
Let's See... Things that I love...
1. My God and my Savior. The only reason I have a hope for the future, knowing that I will be welcomed into Heaven.
2. My husband. He's pretty amazing :) I'm so lucky that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.
3. My babies! Charlotte, Baby Rollinski on the way, and the sweet baby who I won't meet until I get to Heaven. Charlotte is beautiful and brings me so much joy and keeps me in stitches laughing. And I am so excited to meet her baby brother or sister in December!
4. Naps! I love a good nap! Sunday afternoons after church and lunch is prime napping time around here. And I did take a nap here and there before this pregnancy, but over the past two weeks I have just been exhausted and am taking a nap every day. Today I took two.
5. Our home. We have a long list of things we want to update/improve, but there is no place that I am more comfortable and love to be more than here.
6. Gator Football! It's great to be a Florida Gator! There are two seasons around here: college football season and the other 8 months out of the year when they're getting ready for the next college football season.
7. Travelling. As much as I love our home, I do love to travel. I love to see new places, do new things, and try new foods. But there is nothing like that feeling of walking in the front door after a long trip and knowing you're home.
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
We hope everyone has enjoyed this day and was able to celebrate His resurrection! We went down to Keystone this morning and worshipped with our old church family. It was an especially fun day for us because we were able to tell a lot of our family and friends in person that I am pregnant again!!! I am only 5 weeks along so it is still very early, but we are so excited. God is so good and we are so excited that He has blessed us with another baby so soon after the miscarriage in November. We are trying to rejoice without hesitation, knowing that whatever may happen, it is His will for us. The due date the online pregnancy calculators give is December 12th. (Charlotte's due date was December 7th, but she came three weeks early on November 18th).
After church, we went to my Dad & Bobbie's house for lunch and another egg hunt. As with all family get-togethers, we ate too much (and were even sent home with leftovers!) and had a great time visiting with the family. Charlotte had a great time looking for eggs, but tended to get distracted in the "hunting" part, because she was busy opening them (they were all plastic) to see if there was any money inside. She's adding to her college fund!
Here are a few pictures from today...
And here is one from yesterday when she was playing with Daddy :)
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 6:13 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Early Egg Hunt
Today we got together with my Mom's side of the family to have our big Easter meal a little early. This was Charlotte's first time hunting eggs and she loved every minute of it. She especially enjoyed finding the plastic eggs with money inside... Not because of the value of them, but because they make a fun noise when you shake them! We also played some badmitton and horseshoes (I got a ringer! But don't let that fool you, I'm pretty bad at that game overall).
We dyed some eggs last night. We started out with a dozen...
But ended up with eleven...
LOVE this smile!
"What do you do when the Gators get a touchdown?"
The first egg she found! She threw it straight to the ground, thinking it was a ball that would bounce.
She tried carrying two eggs in one arm and one in another... but this made it difficult to carry the basket around too.
"Mom, this one makes a fun noise!"
So proud of her goodies!
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 10:06 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Clean Hands
This video is from early January. Charlotte likes being outside, but is not a fan of all the nature. It is apparently too dirty.
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 1:58 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Big Shoes To Fill
Charlotte has been obsessed with shoes lately! She brings me her shoes to put on her feet all the time, even if she's already wearing a pair. And if she's looking for some shoes and sees a pair of Jared's or mine first, those are the ones she puts on!
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 3:38 PM 3 comments