Egg hunting at Papa & Grandma's (my Dad & Bobbie)
With Grandma & Papa
Trip to the zoo, playing in the butterfly garden
According to the zoo worker, this butterfly wasn't flying well because it was old... After a certain two-year-old pounced on it with a pink ring, it was having even more trouble flying :(
Naomi feeding her Minnie Mouse...
Playing in the sandbox that we found on craigslist (over a year ago!) and finally set up in the yard
The cutest little beach bum ever!
Oh.My.Word. Those eyes melt me to a puddle.
And this little beauty is growing up way too fast! Slow down, kids, slow down!
Heidi is such a smiley little baby!
Beach fun with some of the cousins!
Naomi was giving Asa the stink eye after he dumped sand on her!
Dyeing eggs... This turned out to be a huge mess, but was lots of fun for them!
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