We spent Thanksgiving day at my Dad's house. After a HUGE dinner, we played some croquet. Charlotte has croquet skills!
Jared and my Dad giving Charlotte some pointers
Charlotte taking Naomi for a ride in the wagon
Charlotte and Naomi going for a ride. They both loved the wagon!
On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we had Jared's family over to our house. It was my first time roasting a turkey so I was nervous, but it turned out great. For some reason it doesn't look browned enough in the picture, but in person it looked (and tasted!) delicious.
I love getting out the china! This was the first time we used every place setting (we had 13 adults and 6 kids/babies to feed)!
Mid-meal. Again, a TON of food!
We also got together with my mom's family, but the only pictures I took from that day were when we were playing the Wii "Just Dance" game, and I was given strict instructions that those pictures, as hilarious as they are, must remain private within the family :)
Here I Am Again
8 years ago
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