Charlotte and Jared spoiled me rotten for my first Mother's Day! We went down to Keystone and visited our old church, Trinity Baptist. It was great to see everyone down there again and for our old friends to see Charlotte. Everyone agrees: She's adorable! Afterwards we had a good time at Johnny's BBQ (Keystone's finest establishment!) visiting and eating with the family. Then we stopped by my Dad & Bobbie's house and visited with them for a little while. And I'm sad to say that we saw all the grandparents, and even all the great-grandparents on my side of the family and we didn't take any pictures with them! We're horrible about that! So here are some pictures that we took before church while we were in the car. These pictures are after I was changing Charlotte's diaper and she peed all over the place. That's her new favorite game... one that I'm not too fond of and don't find as much humor in as she does.
"Eat my dust!"
"Ready to go guys?"
6 months... going on 16 (years)!
And this is the beautiful locket that I was given by Charlotte (& Daddy)!
And the personalized card! Hooray for!
I just want you to know that I'm the luckiest girl in the whole wide world to have you as my Mom! Thank you for how patient you are with me and for teaching me how to love god and be a good little girl. I may not always act like I'm listening and learning... but don't you worry your pretty little head about that! I AM paying attention and learning all the time. And I want to be just like you when I grow up!
Happy Mother's Day!
Your Little Squirt
(& Daddy)"
Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas, especially the wonderful mothers that Jared and I have in our lives!
Here I Am Again
8 years ago
Happy First Mother's Day Brittany! Sounds like you had a great one! Jared did a great job of spoiling you! :o) I love the pictures!
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