Here is the video of Charlotte that I mentioned. The first verse we taught Charlotte and what we refer to as "her verse" is John 3:16. She knew the verse she was supposed to say, we even practiced with her saying it to her teacher that morning, but I guess in that moment she just reverted back to the good 'ol John 3:16 :)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Charlotte at VBS
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 8:57 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
We're Still Here!
Sorry for the lack in posting lately. I've been out of commission for a few weeks. Here's why...
Yup! I'm preggers again! We're all thrilled, including the girls. Well, mainly Charlotte. Naomi is still clueless to all that's going on. Charlotte shared the news with the family, which was especially cute. We stopped by my Dad & stepmom, Bobbie's, house on the 4th of July and in the middle of a conversation Charlotte just blurted out, "And guess what? Mommy has a baby in her belly!" And later that day while we were out at Lake Swan Camp, where Jared's dad is the new camp director, his dad prayed for our meal and after "Amen" Charlotte said, "You forgot to pray for the new baby in Mommy's belly!"
Other things that have gone on around here...
The girls and I have kept very busy.Naomi has had much business to tend to.
And I've been teaching the girls important things, like how to curl your hair. Life is rough, I tell ya what.
Back in June, we went down to Gissy Springs, southwest (I think?) of Ocala. It's owned by some good friends of my grandparents on my dad's side and they invited all of the Meng family to come down for my grandfather's 90th birthday party.Pop, all embarrassed that such a fuss was made over him :)
And this is part of the spring area. The whole setup out there is beautiful! Kayaks, snorkel gear, rope swing, that screened in area for the food, camping area with a volleyball court... It is beautiful!
Also in June, we drove over to Gainesville to watch Megan pinned as an officer in the Gainesville Police Department. She kicked butt in the academy and had the fastest hiring process in the history of the department. And now she's packing heat!
Charlotte went to VBS at our church and had a blast! The Sunday afterwards, all the kids sang some songs and shared some verses they learned throughout the week. Charlotte was one of the kids they asked to share her verse. We have a cute video of that that I'll try to upload soon. From the picture, you can see how into the songs and motions she got!
And, in other exciting news... we have a new niece! Katie Joy was born on June 10th and weighed a whopping 5 lbs 6 oz! She is tiny and precious and just perfect!
That about sums up the past month or two around here. We've been busy but the last couple weeks have slowed down a lot with the pregnancy hitting me hard. The nausea seems better than it was with Charlotte and Naomi but it's still wiping me out. It seems to be getting a little better so hopefully I'm on the upswing! I have my first appointment next week and will hopefully have some alien-like ultrasound pictures to share!
Posted by Brittany @ The Rollins World at 9:36 AM 0 comments