Thursday, December 3, 2009

Her Name Is...

Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll for Naomi's middle name! Kate was by far the most popular, with Lynn and Anne following, respectively. We also had a write-in for "Olivia" (thanks Stephanie!), but were really only drawn to a one syllable middle name for some reason. Having a one syllable middle name will be easier to yell when she's getting into trouble :) We also realized that we were favoring names with a long A sound. So after much deliberation, our daughter's name shall be...

Naomi Faye!

Yeah, I know, hate us that it wasn't even on the list. We fell in love with it a day or so after I made the poll. But that was one of the rules, remember? "As the ones who contributed DNA to this child, we reserve the right to pick the least popular, the one you didn't vote for, or one that isn't even on the list."

Faye also happens to be the middle name of my best friend, but I got her permission and she's on board with it too :) We weren't seeking out to use a name of someone in the family or someone we know (we actually tried to avoid that, as illustrated by us not using the name Olivia as a first name), but our families are too large and we know too many people to completely avoid that. And if Naomi will have to have a namesake, she could do much worse than her Aunt Shannon.

Whew! What a load off now that we have our child named! Now we're ready for the labor and delivery part... take a hint, Uterus!


Whitney said...

Naomi Faye is WAY cute! I love it :)

Can't wait to meet her! How is the big sis doing knowing that she'll be a BIG sis soon??

Shannon said...

Setting aside all partiality (not possible, but let's pretend), Faye balances out the vowels in Naomi perfectly. Three syllables in her first name and one in the middle, followed by two in the last. Perfect combination. I can't wait to meet her!!